
Step into the world of beauty as a true master
If you wish to enter the beauty world as a true professional, we invite you to our training center, where we will share all our knowledge
with you, both in theory and practice.
Oxana Beauty Planet offers training for both
beginners and advanced learners!
Step into the world of beauty as a true master
If you wish to enter the beauty world as a true professional, we invite you to our training center, where we will share all our knowledge
with you, both in theory and practice.
Oxana Beauty Planet offers training for both
beginners and advanced learners!

Find the best option for you!
In our selection, you will find basic courses, advanced training, and a competition preparation course. The training is conducted by the renowned professional Oksana, under whose careful guidance you will learn to exceed every client's expectations!

Find the best option for you!

In our selection, you will find basic courses, advanced training, and a competition preparation course. The training is conducted by the renowned professional Oksana, under whose careful guidance you will learn to exceed every client's expectations!
Koolitus andis palju enesekindlust juurde

Suur - suur aitäh!

Soovitan kõigile, kes otsivad endale head koolitajat!

Väga, väga põhjalik koolitus

Koolitused on väga sisukad ja huvitavad

Väga tänulik kulmukoolituse eest!

Olen üliōnnelik!!

Hea koolitus!

Oksana on super ilutegija ja koolitaja!